Richard M.


Dr. Richard Golden is a Professor of Cognitive Science in the School of Behavioral and Brain Science and a Participating Faculty Member in the Eric Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science at The University of Texas at Dallas

Dr. Golden is a leading researcher in the field of theoretical and applied statistical machine learning with more than 30 years of experience. He has more than 75 publications in international journals, has presented at more than 78 international conferences, and has three U.S patents to his name. He has served as an invited consultant to the Panel on Statistics and Analytics for VHA datasets and has served on the Editorial Boards of the Journal of Mathematical Psychology and Neural Networks for over a decade. 

Dr. Golden has published articles and given talks at scientific conference on a wide range of topics related to machine learning including: asymptotic behavior of both deterministic and stochastic nonlinear learning machines, statistical inference in the simultaneous presence of missing data and possible model misspecification, specification tests for the detection of model misspecification, model selection in the presence of uncertainty, and Monte Carlo sampling algorithms.